Winners of 2019
(for the books of 2017-2018)
- Bestseller category: the collection “A Butterfly’s Song” by Ermek Amanshayev
- Best Author category: “Tales of Grandma Gulsifat” by Gulsifat Shakhidi
- Best Translation category: “The world dissolves, like a dream”(Leila Aliyeva) translated by Caroline Walton
- Best Editing category: “Recycled” (Anna Komar) edited by John Farndon
- Breakthrough of the Year category: “Land Drenched in tears” by Soyungul Chanicheff and Rahima Makhmut
- Best Book Book Series ECG 2018 category: “Cold Shadows” by Shahsanem Murray
Winners of 2022
(for the books of 2019-2022*)
- Bestsellers category: “War will tell the further plan” by Alexander Kazarnovsky
- Best Travel Book category: “Silk Road: Revisited” by Nick Rowan
- Best Children Book category: “The Egret and the Cow” by Gareth Stamp
- Critics’ Choice category: “Colourful tears” by Khosiyat Rustam
- Best Research Book category: “Competence-based modelling of professional foreign language education” by the Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Prof. Salima Kunanbaeva
- Best Academy Book category: “The Kazakh Model for a Research University” by Tlektes Espolov
- Best Biography category: “A history of lithuanian writers in the United Kingdom” by Aldona Grupas
- Best Poetic Book category : “Maestro and Muse” by Sergey Bely
- Best Love Story category: “Взлететь над жизнью” by Alexandra Lacarre
- Best Book in Native Language category: “Сундук безумного кукольника” by Nina Yagolnitser
*Ceremony 2021 was cancelled due to the pandemic
Winners of 2024
(for the books of 2023-2024)
- Bestseller category:
- Prize: “Voina Plan Pokazhet” by Alexander Kazarnovsky
- Gold Certificate of Recognition: ‘Elish & the Wicker Tale’ by Timur Akhmedjanov
- Critics’ Choice category:
‘Zinziver’ by Viktor Slipenchuk
Gold Certificate of Recognition: ‘Is it Necessary to Worship at Notre Dame?’ by Alikhan Zhaksylyk
- Best Adaptation for Children category: ‘Adventures Of The Spirit Of Times’ book series by Gulchekhra-begim Makhmudova
- Best Love Story category: ‘Labyrinths of Loneliness’ by Gulsifat Shakhidi
- Best Epic category: ‘Narqyz’ by Nurpeis Baiganin
- Best Female Author category: ‘Wise Tales for Children and Adults’ by Marina Alyassova
Winners of 2026
(for the books of 2025-2026)
Submission open
All Books Nominated
- ‘Short Stories from Azerbaijan’ translated by Anne Thompson
- ‘A Butterfly’s Song’ by Ermek Amanshayev
- ‘Tales of Grandma Gulsifat’ by Gulsifat Shakhidi
- ‘The world dissolves, like a dream’ by Leila Aliyeva, translated by Caroline Walton
- ‘Recycled’ by Anna Komar, edited by John Farndon
- ‘Land Drenched in tears’ by Soyungul Chanicheff and Rahima Makhmut
- ‘Cold Shadows’ by Shahsanem Murray
- ‘A feast in place of war’ by Nadezhda Kolyshkina, translated by George Butchard
- ‘Nurse, Give Me a Pill for Death’ by Aldona Grupas
- ‘Elish and the Wicker Tales’ by Kamran Salaev, translated by Stephen M. Bland
- ‘Wind: Short Stories 2017’ edited by David Parry
- ‘Why are we so similar?’ by Larisa Prodan
- ‘War will tell the further plan’ by Alexander Kazarnovsky
- ‘Silk Road: Revisited’ by Nick Rowan
- ‘The Egret and the Cow’ by Gareth Stamp
- ‘Colourful tears’ by Khosiyat Rustam
- ‘Competence-based modelling of professional foreign language education’ by the Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Prof. Salima Kunanbaeva
- ‘The Kazakh Model for a Research University’ by Tlektes Espolov
- ‘A history of lithuanian writers in the United Kingdom’ by Aldona Grupas
- ‘Maestro and Muse’ by Sergey Bely
- ‘Взлететь над жизнью’ by Alexandra Lacarre
- ‘Сундук безумного кукольника’ by Nina Yagolnitser
- ‘Queen Kurmanjan of the Mountains’ by Bubaisha Arstynbekova
- ‘Meet the ‘STANS’ by Christopher Jones
- ‘The Final’ by Daniel Akhmed
- ‘Turmoil’ by Dulat Isabekov
- ‘Hunting Dogs’ by Farkhat Tamendarov
- ‘Поэзия в живописи’ by Marina Vernalis
- ‘The Yarn named Sun’ by Michael Kunitskiy
- ‘Leah and Aya the Sewing Doll’ by Nargisa Karasartova
- ‘Girl dancing in the Sky’ by Sagyn Berkinalieva
- ‘I think we should just live’ by Ekaterina Khlebnikova
- ‘The guardsmen of Hippocrates’ by Vladimir Tulinov
- ‘Тегеран-1360′ by Zhanna Golubitskaya
‘Elish & the Wicker Tale’ by Timur Akhmedjanov
‘Война план покажет’ by Alexander Kazarnovsky
‘Zinziver’ by Victor Slipenchuk
‘Is it Necessary to Worship at Notre Dame?’ by Alikhan Zhaksylyk
‘Adventures Of The Spirit Of Times’ book series by Gulchekhra-begim Makhmudova
‘Wise Tales for Children and Adults’ by Marina Alyassova
‘Labyrinths of Loneliness’ by Gulsifat Shakhidi
‘And a Butterfly Soared’ by Lusine Aleksanyan
‘24 Знака Зодиака’ by Nurlan Toxanov
‘Layers Of The Heart’ by Ganjina Shamsullo
‘С улыбкой по всему миру / Across the Globe with a Smile’ by Marsel Salimov
‘One Song Will Be Enough’ by Lenar Shaekh
‘Moon in the Eighth House’ by Elena Soboleva
‘Славный Керкашка’ by Bubuira Bektenova
‘Narqyz’ by Nurpeis Baiganin
‘Flask of Crystal Hookah’ book series by Gulchekhra-begim Makhmudova